Friday 21 April 2017

Shoot Six (2000s) - Work Record

Plans For the Shoot

For this shoot, I plan to represent the style of the 2000s. Different from my previous shoots, I will be using a male model for my photos as I have solely focussed on the style of women over the last few decades, and I would like to represent how men dressed also. I have been researching mens style throughout the 2000s and feel that I have a good insight into how my model should dress, and also how my images should look. I will only be adding the smallest amount of train to the images as the 00s saw a progressive increase in the quality of cameras and photographs. I will still be shooting against a black background in order to achieve contrast between the model and his settings.

What I Actually Achieved

I feel that I was successful in achieving images that look how I wanted them to. However, I feel that the use of a male model strays too far from my original proposal as I wanted to mainly explore make up. Whilst my more recent shoots have also explored clothing, they still focussed heavily on make up and I was still able to represent this in my images. This shoot prevented me from being able to do this and so therefore prevented me from following my original brief. Below is an image that I did like and one I did not.

I really enjoyed this image from the shoot. I feel that it includes all aspects of his outfit and really shows what style was like in the 2000s as he has considered all aspects of the way he has dressed. I also enjoy his body language and the way he has posed as this was a popular pose in portraiture from the 2000s and so it helps make the whole image seem like it is from the 00s, not just the outfit.

This was an image I did not like. I feel that the lighting is very off in this image, as his top is very bright and has a lot of light directed in this area, however his face is heavily shadowed. This is the opposite of what I wanted as I want the main focus of the photos from this shoot to be his face - just like the other images - even though it is not focussing on make up. Therefore, I feel that this image is unsuccessful in what I was aiming to achieve.

What I Am Going To do Next

Following this shoot, I will begin my exam. I have decided to focus on the decades 1910, 1950 and 2010 for my three exam shoots as this allows me to get a range of photographs from 100 years ago to now, and a time in the middle. I am happy with my editing from previous shoots and so will follow exactly what I did again, however I may change the outfits/make up slightly to be more representative of the time.

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