Friday 21 April 2017

Shoot Four (1960s) - Work Record

Plans for the Shoot

This shoot will focus on the 1960s, and will specifically be looking at the make up worn by model Twiggy. Twiggy was a big name in the 1960s and was known for her unique and strange make up, so I will be working at recreating this in my shoot. I will be looking at the work of Barry Lategan throughout conducting this shoot, as he was the photographer who captured some of the most famous portraits of Twiggy. This shoot will have more colour in than my previous shoots, and I will try to create a cool toned effect in order to achieve the vintage feeling I am looking for.

What I Actually Achieved

I feel that this shoot is possibly my most successful so far as I was able to capture exactly what I was looking for, both during the shoot and also in photoshop. At the beginning of the shoot, I did encounter some problems with exposure that I did during the last shoot. However, I was quickly able to find a solution and was able to get the right amount of exposure that I wanted. I feel that I successfully recreated a typical make up look that Twiggy would wear as I was constantly referring back to Barry Lategan's images to ensure that my work was accurate. Below are two images - one I did like and one I didn't.

What I enjoy most about this image is that it is such an extreme close up that it allows the viewer to really see the details in the make up, however it is still far away enough that I was still able to capture glimpses of her hair and her outfit. Whilst there is some contrast between the model and the background, it is not too extreme. This is something I really like about this image as all of my other shoots have had quite extreme contrast, so it makes the images from this shoot stand out against the others. 

This image shows an example of where I had problems with exposure. There was too might light coming from the right side of the image, which completely washed her face out and therefore created too much shadow on the left of her face. I also wanted the background to be quite dark to create contrast, but it was very much lit up as a result of the exposure levels. I also was not really a fan of the pose in this image as it did not give a 60s feel that some others did.

What I Am Going to Do Next

My next shoot will focus on the 1990s - specifically the grunge culture. Throughout my shoots, I have mainly focussed on just the models' faces and the make up, even though I have began to put effort into the look as a whole (for example, with their outfits). As a result, I have decided that, in future shoots, I will try and get more long shots of the models' whole outfits as opposed to just their faces as this will help me capture the whole look of the decade instead of just make up. I feel that this will help tie in the whole shoot.

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