Tuesday 25 April 2017

Connecting Essay 4

This image shows a man sat on the edge of a bed, with his fist under his chin. This is a very editorial style image and is most likely used for some kind of advertisement (e.g clothing). The image was taken in the 00s and so, if this was advertising clothing, this would be a typical 00s outfit for men to wear. It is quite formal as it is a button down shirt, however it has been played down with a pair of jeans. The body language of the man is very relaxed as he is slouched over, staring at the camera.

This image was from my 00s shoot and shows my model sat slightly slouched over as he stares into the camera lens. The way that he looks into the lens would make the viewer feel as though he is looking at them and so would help them to make a connection with the image. The top he is wearing has a tie printed onto it and has been paired with some jeans, and so this outfit is quite casual but also quite typical of mens fashion in the 00s. Not only this, but also the colourful wristbands that he is wearing were quite a big trend - especially with young people - during that decade.

The pose that both of the men in these images hold is almost identical - slightly bent forward, knees apart, looking into the lens of the camera. However, the man in the first image has his fist under his chin, whilst in my image the model has his hands clasped together between his legs. There are quite a few differences between these two images. For starters, the first image is set in a bedroom and appears to be an editorial style image, whereas my image is set in a studio against a black background and appears more natural. Secondly, the first man is dressed quite formally/smart-casual, whereas the outfit worn in my image is more on the casual side. Lastly, there is a narrow depth of field used in the first image. As my image has a plain black background, I decided to keep the depth of field wide.

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