Tuesday 25 April 2017

Connecting Essay 3

This image was taken in the 90s and shows singer Patti Smith, wearing a dark green outfit and stood against a light green background. Although she was a part of the punk rock scene, this photograph of Patti Smith looks very grungey due to the contrasting tones and grainy effect. I think the use of the different tones of green are very interesting as they contrast against each other very well, and also contrast against Patti's skin due to being so bright. I also find it very intriguing the way that she is staring down the lens of the camera, as it makes you feel as though she is looking straight at you.

This image is from my 90s shoot and was themed to look as though it was part of the grunge scene. This is helped by not only the attire that the girl is wearing but also the way that I edited the image so that it was grainy and over exposed as this makes the whole image look gritty. I feel that there is quite a bit of contrast between the model and the background as she is wearing quite bright colours, which pop against the darkness of the background. This could be symbolic of the grunge scene being very fun and unique, which stood out against the rest of society. 

These two images are very similar - firstly, the angle from which they were taken at places the two people in the exact same position in the frame. Whilst their poses may be different, their placement is almost identical which makes the two images pleasing to look at next to each other. Secondly, both images use colour to create contrast. In this first image, this is between the different shades of green and in my image, it is her colourful clothing against the black background. Thirdly is the use of the colour green - whilst in the first image this colour takes up the majority of the frame, in mine the colour green is the one that pops the most as it seems to be the brightest one. There are, however, some differences. Firstly, Patti Smith is stood against a green background. My image uses a black backdrop as the background of the photo. Another difference is in their poses - Patti has a hand on her face whilst she looks straight into the camera lens, wheres my model has her arms to the side as she looks away.

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