Tuesday 25 April 2017

Connecting Essay 2

This image of Twiggy is shot by Barry Lategan, and shows an extreme close up of the model. With this close up, we can really see all the details in her face such as her freckles and the lines in her lips, as well as really getting a look at the iconic lower lashes that were a statement part of her look. As it is so close up, we cannot see anything else in the image and so therefore there is nothing to distract us from looking at her face, making this the focal point of the image. In particular, the viewer is drawn to her eyes. This is not just due to the make up, but also because they are centred in the image and because the whites of her eyes pop so much against the rest of the image.

This image is from my own shoot based on the 1960s, which was clearly majorly influenced by Twiggy's style. With this image, I enjoy that is is a close up so that you can really see her make up and the details in her face, however it is zoomed out enough to be able to also see her outfit and her hair. The way that the model looks straight into the camera lens makes you feel as though she is looking at you, and therefore will make the viewer feel as though they have connected with her. I really enjoy the pop of colour that the dress brings into the image, and this could be argued to be the punctum as the rest of the colours are muted.

The most obvious similarity with these images is the make up. As the aim of my image was to replicate Twiggy's make up, they are very similar in this respect. Another similarity that I found with these two images was the angle - both of these images are close ups. This allows us, with both images, to see even the small details in both of these women's faces and, as a result, see any similarities and differences. The main difference that I would was the colours - whilst Barry Lategan used a bright blue background to make the colours in Twiggy's image pop, I opted for a darker background in order to create a high contrast and make the face of my model stand out. Another difference is that we can only see Twiggy's face and neck - no clothing - whereas my image is taken from slightly further back and so we can see the beginnings of my models dress.

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