Friday 21 April 2017

Shoot Five (1990s) - Editing Process

1. Adjust the levels so that there is a good amount of lighting and exposure in the image.

2. Further this controlling of light by using the brightness/contrast tool, and dragging the points up and down the bar to were I feel the image looks best.

3. Use the hue/saturation tool so slightly saturate the image, as I felt this helped convey a grungey feel.

4. Use the photo filter tool to add an orange filter to the image - this will create a warm tone to the photograph and create a slightly sepia effect.

5. Use the add noise option to make the image appear grainy and gritty. 

6. To blur this noise and make it appear more like grain than coloured speckles, use the gaussian blur.

7. Add a vignette to the image to make it appear darker and bring more focus to the centre of the image - where there is the most light.

Original Image

Final Image

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