Tuesday 25 April 2017

Connecting Essay 5

This image is a portrait of a woman from the 1920s. I really enjoy the extreme contrast used between her and the background, as her clothing is completely blended into the dark background. As a result, this makes her body and face completely pop and stand out, bringing any focus to this area. The punctum of this image could be the necklace as it really stands out against the woman's skin, and is also the only unique part of this image. Another thing that I find interesting about this image is that it seems to have a colour filter over it as it is not completely black and white - her skin appears to have a yellowish tint to it and makes her appear almost like a statue.

This image was taken from my 1920s shoot. What I enjoy most about this image is the way that she looks directly into the camera, almost making eye contact with whoever is looking. However, she is looking from the side of her eye which I think gives an interesting look to the image. I also like the effect that I managed to create by adding an orange photo filter to the image, which helped to make this image more sepia toned rather than black and white. the lipstick on this image is the punctum as it is quite different from the ordinary way that lipstick is work - it is almost heart shaped. 

Both of these images use a 1920s style to create a portrait - the first was taken at the actual time, whereas mine was taken in 2017. One thing that both of these images have in common is that they both have some kind of colour filter on top. With the first image, there seems to be a yellow tint to it where her skin is, and with my image I used an orangey-brown filter in order to create the old fashioned, sepia effect. The main difference between these photos is the level of contrast - the contrast in the first image is quite extreme whereas in my image, whilst there is a level of contrast, it is not as strong as the first. Another difference I found was the angles of the images - the first one is more of a mid shot whereas mine is a close up.

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