Tuesday 21 March 2017

Research Log

Ruth Rose


This image uses low-key lighting to capture a portrait of this woman. The light seems to be directed from above right as it catches and highlights the high points of her face/body, including her cheekbone and shoulder. We can tell it is coming from the right as the left side of the image has a lot more shadows than the right, which obscures half of her face and the majority of her body. This creates some mystery within the image as it seems as though she is trying to hide herself.

Opposite to the image above, this image uses high key lighting and pale/light tones to create a softer effect to the picture. The girl in the image is wearing a bright orange lipstick, which draws your attention to this part of the image. This could considered the punctum of the image as it pops dramatically against the light tones of the rest of the image.

Jenn Collins


This image uses a black backdrop in order to create strong contrast against the woman's pale skin as this really makes the woman pop in the image. The light seems to be coming from in front of her, fro the left of the frame as the high points of her face are highlighted on this side, whereas the other side of her face has quite a lot of shadows. I find it interesting how her dark hair seems to blend into the dark background, and so it is almost hard to make out.

The same technique has been applied here as the image above, where a light background has been used to create contrast with the woman's darker skin tone. As the image is more high key, there is less contrast than the image above. However, we can tell the light is directed from above from the way that the woman's cheekbones and chin are highlighted. I really enjoy the subtle pop that the green eyeshadow gives to this image as it is not overly bright, however it is enough to attract attention.

Milton Greene


This image of Marilyn Monroe is a classic example of make-up trends in the 1950s. The use of a dark background and dark clothing draws all attention towards her face, which helps to portray and represent style and beauty in this time. This was a classic look of the 50s, a trend which Marilyn Monroe amplified, with her iconic beauty mark on her cheek.

This image, another one featuring Marilyn Monroe, is taken at a mid shot and shows her wearing a white dress. This therefore showcases her whole style rather than just her make up, and symbolises her classic white dress. Even though the image is in black and white, we can still get a sense of her style and make up as the details are similar to the image above.

Alfred Cheney Johnston


I really enjoy the use of tones in this image as there is high contrast between the woman's pale face and white scarf and the black background. This helps to draw more attention towards the woman's face and therefore her make up/hair. This is also helped by the fact that we cannot see her outfit due to the dark tones and the fact that the light seems to be directed towards her face.

This image, on the other hand, seems to focus more on the woman's outfit/style rather than her make up or hair. Again, this is a result of the tones used as there is not so much contrast between her skin and her clothing/the background, meaning that attention is not drawn away from one aspect of the image. Although the woman's dress blends into the background with the dark tones, the way that her face is turned away makes us look towards her clothes instead - particularly her necklace which seems to be the statement piece of the image and could be argued to be the punctum as it is quite unique agains the rest of the simple image.

Robbie Augspurger


This image has high contrast of colours with the woman's jacket compared to the rest of the image. The background and woman's skin are quite dull in colour and there is an extremely dark vignette added to the image to make the image appear older and more washed out. Even still, the jacket the woman is wearing is extremely vibrant and connotes how bright and fun fashion was in the 80s. It also brings some fun to quite a formally posed image.

Like the image above, this photo also uses clothing to add some colour and fun into an otherwise saturated and dark image. The addition of the dark vignette brings more attention to the centre of the image - where her face is - however the most attention is drawn to the woman's vest top as it is quite vibrant and has a fun pattern of palm trees. This could connote the want for adventure and desire to visit sunny places as it has been turned into a fashion.

Richard Corman


This portrait of Madonna captures her unique style during the year of 1983. This shows a more alternative style that was popular throughout the 80s - for example, her multiple leather bracelets. This image focuses more on her outfit than her make up, but it is still clear how she did her make up and therefore what was popular in this time. The way that she has her hand on her face could suggest that she is shy and perhaps trying to hide from the camera.

Again, in this image, Madonna has the stacked leather wristbands which represents her alternative and quite 'punk' style. In this photograph, she seems more open towards the camera as she has her whole face on show and is staring straight into the camera. This could suggest that, throughout the shoot, she became more relaxed in front of the camera and was more comfortable within herself.



The girl in this photograph is dressed in a style that reflects what was popular in the 90s. The way that her body is so relaxed and she seems completely chilled suggests that she is completely comfortable in front of the camera. The red benches that she is sat on are similar to bleachers often found in high schools, and so this could be symbolic of youth and their own unique sense of style.

Much like the image above, this photograph focuses on the fashion of the girl instead of her make up, however we can still see that she has very natural make up and that her clothing is the statement of her look. Again, this image seems to be very relaxed as the girl is sat on the floor with her legs crossed. The bottle in her hand could be symbolic of youth and rebellion as it looks similar to a bottle of alcohol.

Rossella Vanon


This photograph is very simplistic as the girl has quite natural makeup and is not wearing any clothes. Alongside this, the colours used are quite muted and so there is not particular colour in this image that pops. However, her hair has been styled very uniquely, drawing attention towards this area and making it the punctum of the image. This is quite unique as it focuses on the hair rather than the make up or clothing and therefore this could imply that there are many ways to express yourself with beauty.

The way that colours have been used in this photograph is very interesting and creates a high contrast that attracts attention towards the girl's eyes. The fact that the girl's skin and hair are both similar pale shades works very well against the bright blues, pinks and purples on her face. This style of make up is the punctum of the image as it pops so much. This could suggest how make up is a way of expressing yourself and how there are no limits to what looks you can create.

Barry Lategan


The is an extremely high contrast in this image which really draws your attention towards Twiggy's face and symbolises how her face is primarily what she is known for. Her style in this photograph is quite unique and alternative to what was popular at the time. The use of the shapeless, black dress could be a way of drawing more attention towards her face. The large plait is the punctum of the image as it seems strange against the otherwise simple photograph, and as Twiggy is often known for her short hair.

This image helps show Twiggy's iconic make up look, which included the black lines under her eyes as her bottom lashes. This part of her look is possibly the punctum of the image as this look is quite unique compared to the rest of her style, which is quite simple. Again, the focus seems to be on her face and so this image represents why Twiggy is famous.

Robin Li


This image uses extremely high key lighting, which helps to show all of the details on the model and almost creates a glow on her skin. The image is very simple in colours and also styling, with the bright red lipstick appearing extremely vibrant and popping in the image. This is definitely the punctum of the image as it stands out so much and is so vibrant against the otherwise quiet saturated image.

Again, this image uses simple make up and extremely high key lighting to make the punctum of this image really pop. In this case, the punctum is the dark black eyeliner and the long bottom lashes. This really helps to draw the viewer's attention towards her eyes and makes you feel as though she is staring straight at you.

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