Wednesday 22 March 2017

Photographers Research - Richard Corman

Richard Corman is an American portrait photographer, who was worked with a wide range of celebrities, including the likes of Michael Jordan, Al Pacino and Nelson Mandela. At the age of 29, he worked as an apprentice to Richard Avedon. Since then, Corman has established himself as a highly successful photography, releasing many books featuring his work. One of his most famous books is Madonna NYC 83, which included a wide range of photos of a 24 year old, pre-fame Madonna. 

This first image of a young Madonna shows her hiding behind the corner of a wall. This could symbolise that she is shy or not ready to face the camera, and so she is trying to hide herself behind this wall. This could also symbolise how she was hidden from view, as this was a time before she was famous.

Very different from the last image, this shows Madonna as a whole as she gives a smirk towards the camera. From this image we can see her wacky fashion and this helps us understand how she was quite a unique person even before she was famous. The fact that she has gone from hiding herself to being entirely on show for the camera suggests that she is relaxed and now comfortable in front of the lens.

This portrait features Muhammad Ali - a world famous boxer. Even if someone was unaware as to who this man is, they could probably infer that he has links to boxing or fighting due his aggressive facial expression and the fact that he has his hands up in a fighting position. There are quite a few tones in this image which creating an interesting amount of contrast, which I find makes this image very eye catching.

This image of Madonna shows her laying down in a dirty, brick filled area - an area which was presumably abandoned as there is nobody or anything nearby. Even though the floor seems to be dusty and dirty, we can see Madonna laying down on it and posing for the camera, and so this could connote her carefree attitude. 

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