Wednesday 22 March 2017

Photographer's Research - Robbie Augspurger

Robbie Augspurger is an American photographer based in Oregon. His most famous series of photographs focuses on recreating looks from the 80s and editing the images in a way which makes them look as though they've been taken straight out of that decade. Augspurger says that he is inspired to make these images by looking through old shoeboxes of family pictures that were taken in the 70s and 80s. The subjects in his images are usually friends or family members, and he gives each model a story for the character that they are portraying.

This image shows a typical outfit that a woman would have worn in the 1980s - a purple blouse with a big bow and big, round glasses. The way that she looks away from the camera as she poses could suggest that she was distracted, or that she was perhaps too shy to look at the camera lens. The purple of the blouse really pops and helps draw in attention on this image.

Again, this shows a typical outfit of the 1980s. This outfit was possibly something that would've been worn by a young person, as the way that the model's hair is styled is quite a young, childish look and so this could portray innocence or being young. Therefore, Augspurger may be trying to portray a childs look through an adult in his work.

This image show a woman with a dog, whilst she is sat in front of an inflated image of the same dog. This could suggest that she is obsessed with the dog and wants to show it off as much as she can. This image focuses more on the relationship between the woman and the dog, however we can still see the influence of the 80s in this womans outfit and also in the way the photo was edited.

This image shows us the technology that was used in the 80s as we can see the big, grey phones that came out during this decade. The fact that this man has no top on could suggest that he had gotten out of bed to answer his phone. This image allows us to see how far technology has developed in the last 30 years as these phones are now very outdated.

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